Home: Kinesiology Therapist in London and Wirral Merseyside
Holistic-Clear Kinesiology Therapy in London and Wirral, Merseyside
- North London, East Finchley – N2 9EJ
- Merseyside -Wirral, Egremont in Wallasey – CH44
- Moorgate/Liverpool Street, East London, The City – EC2M 5TU
- Notting Hill, West London -W11 2RP
Call 020 7272 4121 to book an appointments or to enquire; or email via the form in the Contacts Page : Contact page
Evening and weekend appointments available.
Sessions are 55 minutes to an hour
Session fees: £70 East Finchley London; £80 Moorgate London; £55 in Merseyside.
About Kinesiology with Claudia Benson
Claudia Benson has been practising since 2002 and is KFRP registered. Health Kinesiology (‘HK’) is Claudia’s main therapy and focus. Other types of kinesiology protocols are often incorporated – Touch for Health, Emotional Freedom Technique, Assimilation kinesiology (essential oils) and Systematic Kinesiology.
You can book appointments to see Claudia for kinesiology consultations in North London, the City and in Wallasey Merseyside.
What is kinesiology?
Kinesiology is a complementary health energy therapy for stress. It uses muscle testing, acupressure, essential oils, flower remedies and positive psychological affirmations. Muscle testing is the muscle check which tells you whether something is beneficial for the body or if it weakens the body’s systems. So the muscle test check is also useful for testing nutritional supplements, as well as food and environmental sensitivities.
The main systems of liver, digestion, kidneys and adrenals are checked as to their current status and then the kinesiologist carries out balances on the priorities that needs support – using acupressure, a specific muscle tested thought; essential oi or flower remedy.
How does kinesiology work?
Kinesiology muscle testing tests the nerve connection that exists between specific muscles and organ/gland; plus their connection with the brain via their associated spinal reflex area along either side of the spine. The kinesiology tests if the muscle is able to activate and switch off as it should for nerve, lymph, blood supply and responding to the brain’s healthy instruction. If the muscle does not respond, then acupressure and other remedies are supplied, and if need emotional de-stress positive statements visualised. This energy work gets the organs functioning optimally, and communicating with the brain. There are also known specific nutrients that the different organs require to function so often a supplement will be tested to see if that is also needed to strengthen the body system in question.
In each muscle exists a nerve receptor connection to a different organ, gland or function. Also there are acupressure points as well as emotions and and chakra associated with organs. In addition heart has nerve receptors that connect with the organs. So the heart and brain know what is going on within the body systems. Stresses in the body system are ‘read’ using the kinesiology muscle test and then balanced with acupressure, essential oils and flower remedies, magnets and psychological statements. Often nutritional supplements
Why do people have kinesiology treatments?
It is used as a support for for emotional and physical stress and and food/ environmental chemical sensitivity. Weight management, coping with work and exam pressure, detoxing,, concentration and focus, digestive problems, hormone balancing, skin conditions, electro-magnetic pollution, relationships, and healing emotional pain from life experience.
But why choose kinesiology?
The acupressure, remedy and nutritional supplement given to the client is that which is demonstrated to fortify the muscle. Therefore it is likely to be what the body needs. This can be especially useful when the cause of the body issue is unknown, linked to another body system, or has an emotional aspect. Kinesiology testing adds another diagnostic tool rather than the practitioner working only from their knowledge and intuition.
It is not medical testing.
What to expect in the session?
Kinesiology is done fully clothed lying on a treatment couch. It is relaxing and clients feel clearer about their life, less brain fog, and energised. As in all complementary therapy and counselling there can be some emotional release during the session. In some cases an evening of rest is needed afterwards to allow the body to incorporate change from the healing.
Often there is a nutritional supplement and or flower remedy which will be recommended to get and take for a few weeks to support the body further. Home self-help advice such as a positive affirmation, changes to diet, foods to avoid, and other particular lifestyle pointers, such priority things to avoid or do, may be muscle tested and recommended to support the subtle energy work that is done in the session.
More About kinesiology
Kinesiology is a useful tool for assessing both the emotional and physical stress in the body as well as the balances to do to counteract it. When there is stress whether emotional or physical in a person, their muscles have vibrational weakness which can be read by a trained Kinesiologist – similarly to how stress symptoms are demonstrated in a faster pulse rate and heartbeat, sweaty palms, and pupil dilation. Claudia connects with the heart centre, higher self and subconscious and consciousness of the client.
Health Kinesiology usually uses the arm muscle as an ‘indicator muscle’ to connect to the inner body wisdom holistically. When Claudia incorporates Systematic kinesiology and Touch for Health and ASK techniques, other limb and arm muscles are worked with. When the client issue is found to be more psychological and emotional then Health Kinesiology techniques will tend to be used in the session. Touch for Health and systematic kinesiology work more directly with the subtle energy of organs and glands and this will often form part of the kinesiology session with Claudia Benson.
Kinesiology is useful for food & environment sensitivities; pain; digestive and skin problems; lethargy; moving on and letting go of unhelpful emotions; work stress; confidence, self esteem; phobias; sleeping well; memory; achieving goals; balancing hormones; migraines.
Acupressure, flower essences, essential oils, polarity magnets, sound, and muscle tested psychological and emotional thoughts form the chi energy work. These can support a client’s life goal, counteract a stress from past emotional experience, reduce anxiety and allergy and other physical symptoms. Issues that block one’s potential can be approached more easily from a new perspective.
Kinesiology brings physical healing, relaxation, clarity & focus, inner peace & calm; being more grounded, centred and connecting with one’s optimum life path. Clients will be asked about their lifestyle, their physical and emotional concerns, problems in their life, past health, family, and current life goals. Muscle testing is used to determine the session; to gauge the particular kinesiology balances needed to meet clients’ concerns. The priority areas requiring work are identified.
Kinesiology works with the body’s internalised chi, meridian energy, chakras, auric field and the mind. Kinesiology helps the person turn around limiting thoughts and relieve disturbing memory tags. Kinesiology enhances the body’s internal Chi (or Qi) energy resource, removing blockages in chakras and meridians and auric field so the body’s natural subtle energetic healing is supported.
Our Chi can get degraded by adverse external forces, events in our lives; and what we put our bodies through. Kinesiology facilitates change in the subtle energy system, stuck patterns, and cell memory in order to optimise and restore the body’s own subtle healing resources and the natural Chi flow.
Health kinesiology supports physical healing, relaxation, clarity & focus, inner peace & calm; being more grounded, centred and connecting with one’s optimum life path.
Geopathic and geopsychic disturbed energy patterns in the home or workplace can be assessed and remedied. Sometimes there are disturbances in the home or office environment that can be contributing to symptoms such as previous inhabitants’ energy, neighbours, electromagnetic fields, nearby building work etc.
To book an appointment or if you want to speak with Claudia Benson about what you would like to work on in a session call: 020 7272 4121 or please email via the proforma with this Contact button: Contact page
Appointment cancellation policy
Please note that the clinic requires one days notice for cancellation of appointments. If you find you need a different time on the same day as you have already booked I will do my best to accommodate you if there is space in my diary. Otherwise the full session fee would need to be charged at £65 for London.
Disclaimer note
Do please note that all complementary therapy including kinesiology and healing, are not intended to replace medical treatment and care. Kinesiology and Reiki can be beneficial alongside this. Complementary therapists are not allowed to diagnose medical conditions and kinesiology will not provide such a diagnosis- rather it can offer life coaching, stress and weight management support, emotional well being; helping the immune system by reducing overall stress. As with all therapy no specific results can be guaranteed.
Holistic Clear is registered trademark of Claudia Benson complementary therapy