Liverpool St Moorgate Kinesiology
Claudia Benson practitioner in Health Kinesiology therapy has a practice in London Wall three minutes walk from Moorgate and Liverpool Street stations , at Health in The City, 65 London Wall, EC2M 5TP.
Session fee at London Wall is £85 for the hour session.
Clinics are also in East Finchley, North London and Notting Hill and Merseyside.)
The City clinic at London Wall is in a historic impressive building, Liverpool Street station and tube Broad Street Exit or Moorgate tube and station. or Bank tube is ten minutes walk.
On arrival please give your name at the reception ask for Claudia at Health in the City. The therapy room is on the first floor (lift or stairs), and along through two sets of swing doors and round the corridor to the end, suite no. 57.
Directions from Moorgate tube: on Moorgate road, head towards London Wall road and take the left turn side of it. We are across the road 300 yards along on London Wall. to No. 65 London Wall and go to reception. or you can cut through Finsbury Circus keeping the green space on your left.
Directions from Liverpool St Station – take the Blomfield Street exit of the station or Old Broad Street exit and walk down this until you reach London Wall. 65 London Wall is on the other side of the road.
To book an appointment please ring Claudia Benson, on 020 7272 4121 or email using the form in the Contacts page – do mention whether you would prefer East Finchley or London Wall please.